Introduction to NLP using Python

The following post is using SpaCy to do all of the NLP work. Throughout the following post we will cover a number of different NLP tasks that are foundational to the work that can be built upon to generate complex syntatical modelling. Tokenization This process takes any body of text (more specifically a Document) and breaks it down either to the sentence level or the word level. import spacy nlp = spacy....

October 3, 2020 · 1 min · 152 words · Chris Ried

Exploring the Book of Esther in the Tidy Verse

library(httr) library(tidytext) library(jsonlite) library(tidyverse) library(wordcloud) library(XML) source("~/keys.R") key <- biblia There is much to be learned in the form of writing and the relationship it has within and outside the text. The question we might want to ask is there a way to identify the story arc of the situation. Using spacy to tag all of the words will increase the likelyhood to better understand the style <- "oneVersePerLineFullReference" #oneVersePerLine, bibleTextOnly, oneVersePerLineFullReference output <- "html" passage <-"Esther1-10" resp <- GET(paste0("https://api....

November 30, 2017 · 2 min · 342 words · C Ried