Genuary 2023, Reflections, and Artificial Life

Originally posted on Substack The true secret to happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life. -William Morris A little over a year ago, I dedicated a year and my full-time work to generative/creative coding and thought I’d give a bit of an update. What went well, what I wished I could have done better, etc. I aimed to do the following: Interview more generative artists like Tyler Hobbs here… Outcome: I have done 0 of them since last year 😟....

January 5, 2023 · 6 min · 1076 words · Chris Ried

Narrative Scripting, Live Coding, and Happy Holidays!

Originally posted on Substack Every mistake is a new style. -Michael Meade Happy Holidays! I hope you find time to appreciate the little things in life. It is a time of stress, family, loneliness, and remembering those we lost. So be kind to yourself, and find ways to appreciate the chaos.. May that be a little piece of code to obsess about, a quote to ponder, a walk in nature to absorb the color, smells, emotions, or simply the sound of the cold wind tickling your inner ear....

December 21, 2022 · 3 min · 454 words · Chris Ried

Algorists, Metaballs and Shader Prototyping

Originally posted on Substack if(creation && object of art && algorithm && one’s own algorithm) { include * an algorist* } else if(!creation && !object of art && !algorithm && !one’s own algorithm) { exclude not an algorist } The above statement was the manifesto coined by J. P. Herbert and the mantra of The Algorists; a group formed in 1995 at SIGGRAPH which included (Roman Verostko, Jean-Pierre Hébert, and Ken Musgrave)....

November 2, 2022 · 4 min · 843 words · Chris Ried

FFMPEG Video Art, Generative Audio and Ken Perlin

Originally posted on Substack Silence creates space for content to appear. -J.R. Rim Video Art with FFMPEG {{ youtube nobWeGycSe8 }} One of the many tools we use to describe motion is in a sequence of images or videos. We love them and use them for our work as it adds yet another dimension to the images. The following few selections all use FFMPEG an open source tool to convert video from different formats in the command line or through a programming language....

October 11, 2022 · 5 min · 867 words · Chris Ried

Hallucinating Art Models, Sound Design in Python, and a little Canvas

Originally posted on Substack Make things happen, Don’t let things happen to you. -Syed Sharukh Hello creatives! I’ve been spending quite a bit of time learning a bunch of technologies in the last year to continue stepping up the various skills needed to really try what I have in my mind. Much of it has to do with in real life materials but using generative techniques to really drive it and so I hope to share in the future....

October 3, 2022 · 5 min · 879 words · Chris Ried

Stable Diffusion, Biologically Augmented Bespoke Pieces and Surrealism

Originally posted on Substack The detail is everything -Vladimir Nabokov As much as the last year has been at a slower pace of releasing this newsletter. I do want to get back into the habit of highlighting the wonderful world of generative and creative coding arts on a more regular basis so I hope you have been able to enjoy the work. Few Thoughts on AI Art You will find that much of this weeks highlights do look at the Stable Diffusion model that has been released in the past 2 weeks....

September 13, 2022 · 7 min · 1319 words · Chris Ried

The "War of Art" and Painting Poetry

Originally posted on Substack It is a commonplace among artists and children at play that they’re not aware of time or solitude while they’re chasing their vision. The hours fly. - Steven Pressfield I’ve been reading the book “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield and have found a number of quotes that have resonated with me quite a bit over the last year. Specifically when it comes to knowing how to simple continue....

September 13, 2022 · 5 min · 927 words · Chris Ried

Morphing Spheres and Phyllotactic Spirals

Originally posted on Substack It’s a great time to be a creator. Trust your creativity. -Ron Howard Reflecting on the past year.. {{ youtube OFI1FJcGLeM }} The Art of John Edmark What do plants know about numbers? A certain spiral pattern commonly seen in sunflowers, pinecones, and many species of cacti contains some surprising numerical properties. In this brisk talk, Paul Dancstep investigates this pattern through several kinetic sculptures by artist John Edmark....

August 30, 2022 · 3 min · 542 words · Chris Ried

Generative 3D Art Tools and Inspirations

Originally posted on Substack “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” -Ken Robinson I’ve had a number of requests and personal interest where 3D imagery is used to create generative art. So I hope that this is beneficial. Generative art can be done in almost every application. You will find that it can be done in Photoshop, using code, using simply code in the browser, or just by hand as one of my fellow generative artists (Dan Gries) has done....

July 11, 2022 · 7 min · 1456 words · Chris Ried

Algoraves, Weird AI Art, and Generative Tools

Originally posted on Substack If it doesn’t fit comfortably within your heart, let it go. - Toni Sorenson Well its been a little over a month since the last newsletter has gone out. There are just too many things to get done in a day. Also, I have been working at making the links from the last 40+ newsletters in one place so that they are more accessible. Right now they are just a Markdown page but hopefully will give this a little more structure as well....

June 3, 2022 · 5 min · 932 words · Chris Ried